David Kipping
Oct 5, 2023
EP 215 - David Kipping
Welcome to The Pretty Intense Podcast. Today on the show is Associate Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University, David Kipping. David is also the director of the Cool Worlds Lab at Columbia University and creator of the hugely popular Cool Worlds YouTube channel and podcast. I love the Universe. I love the nature of reality. I am eternally fascinated. Probably eternally is the right word because will we ever get the right answers, can we? Are we even really programmed to be able to answer the biggest questions? I am not really sure, but that is what we delved into today and explored. Everything from our own planet to the universe, to our galaxy, AI, types of civilizations, extraterrestrials, getting off planet. We also talked about what it is that we hope is our reality. This episode is all about the nature of reality, where we are going and where we came from. David is such a great teacher. Check out his YouTube channel @CoolWorldsLab. Get into science. Don't miss this Episode!
Associate Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University, Director the Cool Worlds Lab and creator of the Cool Worlds YouTube channel and podcast. His team’s research seeks to detect and study new worlds outside of the Solar System, understand our uniqueness or banality within the Universe and develop new methods and technologies to realise these goals. Prof Kipping has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles, with his work supported by NASA, NSF and private donations. He's been awarded multiple prizes such as the Alfred P. Sloan Prize Fellowship and Popular Science Magazine’s Brilliant 10, and his YouTube channel has over 750,000 subscribers.
Connect with David:
Twitter / X: @david_kipping
WebSite: www.coolworldslab.com
YouTube: @coolworldslab
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