Sheleana Aiyana
Aug 4, 2022
EP 154 - Sheleana Aiyana
Today you are in for a special treat. A lovely, delicate and important treat, Sheleana Aiyana. Sheleana is a spiritual counselor, with a massive Instagram following called @RisingWoman. Sheleana just wrote her first book called "Becoming The One." I don't think there could be a more important message for everyone to step into and embody, that you are not trying to find the person that is going to complete you. You are going to learn how to complete yourself, and you are going to become the one that you are always seeking. It doesn't mean we are not in community, it doesn't mean that we don't have helping hands along the way. It doesn't mean that we don't work through things with people at times, but we learn how to become secure in ourselves, so that we create secure attachment in relationships. We talked about what an ideal world looks like, and how very important community is to us as humans. We expand much further when we work together in relationships and in community. We hope you enjoy the episode of healing and relationship.
Sheleana Aiyana is an international best selling author of "Becoming the One", and founder of Rising Woman, a growing community of more than 3 million readers. Her training and immersion in couples facilitation, inherited family trauma, family systems, conscious relationship, somatic healing, and plant medicines inform her holistic approach to seeing relationship as a spiritual path. She lives with her husband, Ben, on xwәnen’әč, the unceded land of the Hul’q’umi’num’- and WSÁNE´ C-speaking Coast Salish peoples, now known as Salt Spring Island, BC.
Connect with Sheleana:
Instagram @SheleanaAiyana @RisingWoman
Youtube: @RisingWoman
Facebook @RisingWomanOfficial @SheleanaAiyana